Typescript: Difference between unknown vs anyBoth unknown and any are similar in a way but they are disimilar in a way too. Sounds confusing? Lets check outMay 20, 20221May 20, 20221
JS interview: Implement map functionAs a JavaScript developer, we frequently deal with operations on Array. JavaScript allows us to use declarative style where we can tell…Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Javascript: Spread operator vs Rest parameterSpread operator is used to spread the values in an iterable(arrays, objects,strings).Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
Dynamically loading class in Typescript(Reflection in TS)At times, it is required to load the class at execution time where the type of class is not known. In Typescript, we can take advantage of…Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
What is a container?We developers deal with containers in our day to day life but when we need explain this term to someone in very simplistic language can be…Nov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
[Azure IoT]How-to-use-custom-allocation-policies in DPSAzure device provisioning service supports registration of devices using below allocation policies.Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Access internet on VirtualBox VM with Host-only adapter settingThis article is in continuation of story Ping Virtual Box(Guest) from Windows(Host).Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020
Ping Virtual Box(Guest) from Windows(Host)In this article we will set up our VritualBox network interface that is easily accessible by the host machine. We will ping the VirtualBox…Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020
Deploy Azure Security Center for IoT C based security agent for LinuxIf you are planning to use Azure security center for your Linux device, you can install the Azure security center agent on the device by…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
Typescript: tsconfig.json- some compiler options demystifiedPeople using typescript for there applications must have used tsconfig.json that is mostly copied over from projects. As a result, we tend…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020